SixTONES Kansei no Housoku 1/4 concert

Happy New Year! I attended the first show of SixTONES Kansei no Housoku concert on 4th January 2023 at Yokohama Arena. It was such a blast that marked a good start to 2023 for me. First up, they made a…
Extraordinary life of a Singaporean in Japan
Extraordinary life of a Singaporean in Japan
Happy New Year! I attended the first show of SixTONES Kansei no Housoku concert on 4th January 2023 at Yokohama Arena. It was such a blast that marked a good start to 2023 for me. First up, they made a…
I finally got to sit down and watch SixTONES “on eST” concert Blu-ray. Here’s my SixTONES “on eST” LIVE DVD & Blu-ray review. As of 28 October 2021, they sold a total of 256,000 copies in the first week, putting…
SixTONES will be releasing “on eST” concert Blu-ray & DVD release on 20 October 2021!!! The announcement was made on the official site. It covers the Yokohama Arena concert on 7 June 2021. I was reminded of the great time…
I attended the SixTONES oneST concert finally after it was rescheduled from January to June. It was more than 1.5 years since my last concerts for KinKi Kids and Johnny’s Countdown Concert attended in person. 2020 was a year of…
I made a trip down to Shibuya today just to witness how SixTONES has hijacked the streets in Shibuya. It was just 2 weeks ago when I started to digest the album contents. Congrats on the release of 1ST album!…
SixTONES will be releasing their 4th single “僕が僕じゃないみたい” (Boku ga boku janai mitai) on 17th February 2021! I have only just digested the news of their 1st album on 6th January 2021 and concert tour starting on 4th January 2021.…
Snow Man 2nd single “KISSIN’ MY LIPS / Stories” released on 7 October 2020 has achieved 939,589 CD sales in the first week from 5 October to 11 October 2020, putting them in the top of “JAPAN HOT 100” of…
It’s been a very busy week with a lot of announcements made for SixTones driving fans crazy. Live Streaming I was very surprised when they offer to live stream SixTONES concert on Tuesday for the evening show on 19 Nov…
It’s funny how my last post ended with hoping for SixTones to have a CD debut and then 2 weeks later, an announcement was made that SixTones will have a CD debut in 2020, together with another group called SnowMan!…
When you are in Japan, there will be some kind of media exposure daily for any artists from Johnny’s Jimusho but probably a little harder to catch those who do not have CD debut. 本命:KinKi Kids My favourite Johnny’s group…