I was browsing through my photos on Facebook and found one series that really caught my eye again.
For someone from Singapore, sometimes I have to try a little harder to find some large spaces of nature. And even if there is, I may not enjoy being out in the warm weather for a long time. So I always feel blessed to be able to enjoy these in Japan, especially when there are four seasons.
Lake Mashuko, Hokkaido

Back in 2011 July when we did a 9-day road trip from Aomori to driving around Hokkaido, this was the best gift we received in Akan National Park. To date, it is still the best encounter I ever had, with perfect weather and timing. I can seriously spend the whole day just gazing at this break-taking view.
Kabira Bay, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa

I have a thing for blue skies and waters, so this shot came at the perfect timing with the blues and greens complimented by adorable white clouds. We were travelling along in our rented car as usual and had to stop over for this beautiful view.
Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Spring is a time to enjoy lots of new blooms. I finally got my chance to view these beautiful blue nemophila during late spring. Of course, it takes quite a bit of effort to find a spot where your photo will consist of these flowers and not the huge crowds.
Takachiho Gorge, Miyazaki

I recalled that we used to do a lot of crazy 10-day road trips around in our early years. This one was done in late summer 2012 where we just rented a car to go around Kyushu. We arrived in Miyazaki around the middle of our trip, met with pouring rain. (Almost got stuck in Mt Aso later in the trip too… but that’s another story). Nevertheless, I think Takachiho Gorge is even more dazzling with the rain.
Miharu Takizakura, Fukushima

This photo doesn’t do this over 1000-year-old sakura tree any justice. It’s just so huge and magnificent. In fact, she is one of the 3 oldest cherry blossoms trees in Japan, with one in Yamanashi and another one in Gifu.
Do you know that the normal lifespan of sakura trees are actually around 20 years? Even with the most popular type of sakura tree, Somei yoshino (ソメイヨシノ) that you can see in Ueno Park or along Meguro River, they live up to 50-60 years.
So now you can go back and stare at this awesome over 1000-year-old weeping cherry blossom tree.
Mount Fuji

No one can underestimate the power of Mount Fuji. On a fine day, you can see her silhouette from Tokyo city area. I always love going over to Shizuoka side just so that I can take in all the goodness of this natural power spot.
Icho Namiki Avenue, Tokyo

You know where to find me in autumn. I will dedicate at least 1 day to check out these rows of beautiful ginkgo trees in Tokyo. In recent years, with the influx of visitors, the trip here hasn’t been as enjoying as before, but it’s still worth a visit for sure. (I do have other secret spots to enjoy these seasonal sceneries with less crowd of course.)
Time to dig out more photos from my archive for more nature photos!