Endless SHOCK Eternal 2021

Endless SHOCK Eternal will be staged from 4 February 2021 to 31 March 2021 in the Imperial Theatre. The announcement was made on 1 December 2020. There is still little details on the official homepage.

The same cast from 2020, including Koichi Domoto, Tatsuya Ueda, Ayaka Umeda, Yuki Koshioka, Yusuke Matsuzaki, Takuto Teranishi, Sho Takada, Taiga Tsubaki, Minato Matsui, Naoki Ishikawa, Beverly Maeda, will be appearing in the 2021 shows too.

There is a very detailed write-up here of the announcement and interviews.

Fanclub application

The fan club applications have already started from 5 December 2020 and will end at 12:00 noon on 7 December 2020. Usually, the application period is longer, but not sure why they gave such a short timeframe for this time.

At the same time, they are limiting the application to only fan club members, meaning you have to be a fanclub member of any of the cast, KinKi Kids, KAT-TUN, or Johnny’s Jr. This time, they will also issue digital tickets.

We are all not sure how it will turn out for next year, but at present, it seems like the management will follow the rules to make it safe to watch this at the theatre. This includes keeping a seat empty in-between each row.


They also announced that there will be a movie screening from 1 February 2021 for a limited period of 2 weeks. Details will be added later, but this is the show that they did the online screening on 4 October 2020. I did a very short report previously as well. It was a very good show considering the limitations.

Movie Trailer

Fingers crossed!

The FC ballot results will be out on 18 December 2020. Let’s see what happens. Till then fingers crossed that the shows can go on as scheduled!

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